Remixing Gendered Toy Ads Workshop with Reel Grrls

The Gendered Advertising Remixer app was born out of a series of workshops I did a couple years ago. The idea behind the initial workshop was to use remix video as an engaging way to teach critical media literacy. Back in December 2009 I facilitanted one of these workshops with the Seattle based non-profit group called Reel Grrls which aims to empower girls to critique media images and to create their own films.

Gwyn Emma remixing video

Gwyn and Emma remixing toy ads with Final Cut at Reel Grrls


As a fun introduction to video remixing and as a form of creative media literacy I gave participants the assignment of using Final Cut Pro to switch the video and audio toy commercials aimed at boys with those aimed at girls.

Gwyn Emma remixing video2

Gwyn and Emma remixing toy ads with Final Cut at Reel Grrls


The resulting juxtapositions provided hilarious and insightful commentary on the way the advertising industry manipulates gender roles and helps develop gendered socialization in children.

Embedded above  are remixed ads by Reel Grrls Sahar & Diana – also make sure to check out Julia & Caitlin’s remix ads, Gwyn & Emma’s remix and Mari’s remix. I had a lot of fun teaching this workshop and was definitely inspired by the Reel Grrls media making talent, skill and creative energy.

Jonathan teaches video remix

Jonathan McIntosh teaching about remix video at Reel Grrls

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