We are working to put together a series of curriculum guides and activities for teachers and self-directed learners. In the meantime here are a few questions to ask about the original television commercials included in the Gendered Advertising Remixer.
1) Language
– What do you notice about the words used in the ads aimed at girls?
– What do you notice about the words used in the ads aimed at boys?
– And what are the major differences between the two?
2) Imagery
– What kind of imagery is used in the ads aimed at girls?
– What kind of imagery is used in the ads aimed at boys?
– And what are the major differences between the two?
3) Rolls and Skill Sets
– What roles and skill sets are depicted in the ads aimed at girls?
– What roles and skill sets are depicted in the ads aimed at boys?
– And what are the major differences between the two?
4) Traits and Values
– What traits and values are ascribed to boys in the ads?
– What traits and values are ascribed to girls in the ads?
– And what are the major differences between the two?
5) Occupations and Jobs
– What occupations or jobs are shown in the boy’s play scenarios?
– What occupations or jobs are shown in the girl’s play scenarios?
– And what are the major differences?
6) Gender segregation
– Are boys and girls ever shown playing together in any of the ads?
– If so what is the role of girls when depicted in ads aimed at boys?
– And what is the role of boys when depicted in ads aimed at girls?
7) Solutions
– How could toys and toy commercials be made differently so as to appeal more universally to young people of all genders?
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